

In warehousing, workers pick certain items from paper pick lists. They make notes of each transaction and input this information at the end of the work day.  If 
workers make wrong transactions, it may take hours for directors to find out, for there is no effective system to verify transactions in real time. 


Based on Android system, Chainway rugged handheld computer receives electronic pick lists in real time from the backend server. It has an accurate GPS to guide warehouse operators to the right space on the shortest pick path, scans products’ 1D/2D or RFID tags with its barcode / RFID reader to make an automatic transaction verification, and sends the renewed inventory to the warehouse management system under 3G/4G/Wi-Fi wireless connectivity.


1. Chainway rugged handheld computer with barcode scanner / RFID reader receives electronic pick lists wirelessly. No more paper records saves resources and boosts accuracy and productivity.

2. This handheld device generates pick lists based on “shortest pick path” logic and assign pick tasks to the most suitable operators.

3. Picking data is verified automatically by scanning products’ barcodes or RFID tags before operators move them to the staging area.